Carmen Rojo Law Office
(210) 247-3173

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Contact Us

Speaking to a skilled San Antonio Attorney is always the best solution when facing a tough legal battle with a family member. For many years I’ve built a reputation for being tough, direct & most importantly prepared for litigation, but ready for mediation.

The Carmen Rojo Law Office offer consultations 7 days a week from my office at 222 Main Plaza in San Antonio, Texas 78205 (210) 247-3173 from 8am to 10pm. I’m usually able to work around most schedules & quickly resolve issues in an effort to avoid high legal fees. To schedule a consultation regarding any family law issue, fill out and submit the form for a quick response or call (210) 247-3173.


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Common questions asked during consultation

  • What happens next?
  • Who will pay attorney fees?
  • How much does divorce cost?
  • How do we divide property?
  • Who will pay our debt?
  • Should I close bank accounts?
  • What happens to insurance?
  • Can I File Restraining Order?
  • How can I reduce cost?
  • How long until the divorce is final?
  • Do I have to meet residency?
  • Where will the kids live?
  • How do we develop a parenting plan?
  • How do we determine support?
  • Will I have to move?
  • Can my parents have visitation?
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